T is for Telecommunications Act of 1996 featured a few sections focused on access for people with disabilities. Section 255 requires that all manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and providers of telecom services to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access, if readily available.
Section 713 provides guidance on accessible video services, specifically for individuals with hearing and/or speech disabilities. This included closed captioning and a timetable for closed caption requirements.
Sections 706, 254, 256, and 251 also put requirements around interconnectivity and ensuring that there was infrastructure in place to provide affordable rates and access even in remote areas.
T is for “Try Another Way”. This phrase was used by special education teacher Marc Gold. As a teacher, he focused on this phrase: “The behaviors our children show are a reflection of our incompetence, not theirs.” Meaning, it’s not that people with disabilities cannot learn, it’s that we’re trying to force them into one way of learning so we must “try another way.”
For more on Marc Gold & try another way check out this video: https://mn.gov/mnddc/extra/marc-gold1.html